Hello, welcome to my web site.
My name is Robin, and I live in New York City, USA.
Below are some of the personal projects I've worked on over the last several years.

generative lexicography
Wandering sign-meaning space by computer.
Lyre's Dictionary
Generates novel but etymologically plausible English words, and posts them online.
Generative Dictionaries on the Web
Catalogue of publicly visible generative dictionary projects.
Poŝa Reta Vortaro
Esperanto dictionary for iOS.
Esperanta Klavaro
Esperanto keyboard for iOS.
The Lonely Dwarves
Four dwarves save the world. A turn-based RPG for iOS.
Design and program by Kirk Spaziani, pixel art by me.
Spend time in bed. Browser game made for Self Care Jam 2016.
Fermi Patrol
Discover fascinating alien worlds and blow them up. Browser game made for Fermi Paradox Jam.
retired bots
Erstwhile social media bots, now inactive.
Required Reading
Generated textbook titles.
Gorgar Speaks
Homage to the first talking pinball machine. Made with Miriam Nadler.
Barbarella GIF Bot
Posted GIFs from the 1968 film Barbarella.
Stock Photo Dog
Responded like a very excited dog.
Antiquer → Firefox · Chrome
Browser extension that adds archaic diacritics to web pages.
Bone-Nine Name Generator
Procedural fan art for Tamsyn Muir's novel Gideon the Ninth. Name your Ninth House OCs.
Whom Do You Serve?
Game developer morality manifesto and holy oath. Made for Manifesto Jam 2018.
Kanjono Taroko
Esperanto translation of Nick Montfort's Taroko Gorge.